1. Apply HTTPS On Website - The use of hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) makes the website secure and earns the trust of customers . Regardless of the content user wants to see the URL as sercure.
Apply HTTPS On Website - The use of hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) makes the website secure and earns the trust of customers. Regardless of the content user wants to see the URL as secure.
Use of High Quality Images - Reports have shown that use of high quality images builds trust and prompts customers to make purchase on website.
Add Videos on Website- Use of high quality videos build trust for buyers. It’s a chance to showcase your experience and results in front of customers.
Put real testimonials of clients- Testimonials can be very helpful in building trust and confidence. People are eager to see what you present customers are saying about you
Highlight certifications and awards
Add Team Member Photographs- Photographs increase engagement on the website make sure you add very good photos on website .